Month: February 2018

Kathya Maria Landeros

Kathya Maria Landeros is a photographer and educator whose work explores Mexican American identity and the immigrant experience. She has photographed throughout the American West in established Latino communities and…

Parker Reinecker

Parker Reinecker is a Documentary/Street Photographer currently based out of Atlanta Georgia. He is currently working in Northern Georgia, Northeastern Pennsylvania, and the American Southwest. Growing up in coal country,…

Ryan Maleady

Ryan Maleady (b. 1990) is a self-taught artist from Hoosick Falls, NY. Feeling a deep affiliation with LA conceptualist Robert Heinecken’s notion of the “paraphotagrapher” (akin to a paramedic only…

Jonas Isfält

Jonas Esteban Isfält is an artist working with various forms of lens-based media and self-publishing. Isfält studied photography at ICP in New York, (-98) and has been freelancing in different…