Shelby Savage was born in San Antonio, Texas and later moved to Charlotte, North Carolina
where she spent the majority of her childhood. The rich and varying cultures, of the Texas and North Carolina landscapes, have heavily influenced the way in which she views the world through her lens. Her current work explores the experience of living alone and spending the majority of an individual’s time with their own thoughts. This exploration of intimate space is meant to provoke thought about the time we spend with ourselves and the way we collect memories in our own homes. She loves corgis, autumn, playing the harmonica and watermelon. She currently lives in Columbia, South Carolina where she is a junior in the BFA Photography Program at the University of South Carolina. Her projected graduation is in the spring of 2015.

A Find


About Home
“The idea of home is something that everyone seeks throughout his or her life. Each individual collects these ideas of familiarity with objects, relationships and experiences that shape their understanding of the word “home”. Along this journey, many people collect objects that remind them of certain phases of their life. These tangible objects can bring back memories that add a piece to the puzzle in finding home. About Home is an observation of my life and the experiences I have collected over the last 20 years. I have carried these experiences with me to each house where I have lived in the form of memories and objects. These objects are captured and paired with images of my current house and show the continued journey of seeking true home.”

Weighted Thought


Where You Were



Glen’s Cherries


To view more of Shelbys work please visit her website.