Laurent Gueneau was born in Tonnerre, Yonne, France in 1964. He currently lives and works in Paris. After training as a photographer at École Louis Lumière, Laurent Gueneau was curious to explore a variety of photographic methods. He worked as an assistant and studied studio technique and lighting. Les derniers Gardes-barrières, his report on the last level-crossing keepers, was published by Photomagazine. He soon realised that his interest in photography stemmed at least as much from his desire for self-discovery and relating that process as it did from his desire to discover and relate the world. A piece on livestock farmers in the Aubrac region of France led to regular collaborations with the Ministry of Agriculture. His book 26 12 1999, on landscapes after a severe storm, was accompanied by an exhibition, staged at the Centre Culturel André Malraux in Vandoeuvre, eastern France, among other venues. Today we share Laurent’s series Longchamp Racecourse, 1999.
Longchamp Racecourse, 1999
For these photographs to be hung in the areas frequented by the public of the racecourse, I chose to see the place to rest, stop, and deserted by his players and delivered to viewers.
To view more of Laurent’s work please his website.