Isidro Ramirez is a Spanish photographer who, after 20 years spent living, working and studying in the UK, is now based in Singapore. Alongside developing his practice as a contemporary urban photographer. Ramirez’s works have been exhibited widely in major cities across Europe and the USA, including Barcelona, Bogota, Vienna, Berlin, New York and Los Angeles. Ramirez is a member of the Association of Urban Photographers, an international collective focusing on aspects of urban life in their work. Today we share his series, Jakarta – Modest Interventions and Minor Improvisations.
Jakarta is one of the biggest and fastest growing cities in the world. Its rapid growth in the last fifty years has not occurred without its problems and Jakartans have had to become accustomed to producing improvised strategies to temporarily solve the shortcomings and problems of the city that beset them every day. Not solving problems for good but merely as they arise, one at a time, until the next one raises its head.
Constant small scale improvisations are required to keep Jakarta functioning: often original and ingenious. A vast number of small but vital daily interventions must also be completed to keep the city in check, though these are generally inadequate and vastly disproportionate to the objective at hand.
To view more of Isidro’s work please visit his website.