Yuli Gorodinsky

Yuli is a 32 years old photographer. Born in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. After immigrating with his mother to Israel at the delicate age of 11, he is currently living and working in Tel Aviv, Israel. He’s a self taught photographer with a background in cinema studies and graphic design. Working as a freelance photographer, he specializes mostly in portrait and reportage photography. Lately he has won the 1st prize for a series in urban category at the Local Testimony exhibition (the Israeli counterpart to the world press photo) and took part in the prestigious Independent Artist Greenhouse of Fresh Paint Art Fair 8.





Yuli is a traveler in his own land, an eternal migrant. He gathers memories; reorganizes the materials of reality into an alternate entity. There is no purpose to this action of gathering except for his passion to understand, to feel.

He is drawn to relics, to traces left in the landscape. To all those signs left behind by culture, which at times become a sort of preposterous testimony. Sometimes enchanted and tempted by the exoticism photography offers, in other instances his perspective becomes ironic and critical.. The figures he captures are lost, and so are the animals that reoccur again and again. They are detached and disconnected and it seems as though they belong to a species on the verge of extinction, existing in a bizarre, ephemeral reality. Ghosts scattered on the earth, which is itself in chaos.

His photography is broken, it refuses to obey any single framework, it is playful and illusive, and never becomes a style. It bears within it the memory of a different type of photography, somewhat distant, removed from here and now. His works contain a yearning, but it is unclear what for. This is a longing with no addressee, an unfulfilled romanticism.













To view more of Yuli’s work please visit his website.