Casey Davis

Casey Davis, originally from Indiana, is a photographer based in a town no one has ever heard of called Maynard, Massachusetts. She received her BFA in photography, from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. She currently works for a professional photography lab called Color Services, LLC in Needham, Massachusetts where she has her hands in all things analog.

Tradition is something that has always captivated Casey. She loves to see the human touch of things, like hand-painted signs or impromptu roadside memorials. Perhaps even more, she is interested in seeing how other people regard tradition. This comes in all forms – form religion to patriotism (often overlapping interests), to things once loved, but now long forgotten. She has traveled all over the United States documenting these things along the way, collecting them like keepsakes.


This project began somewhat accidentally, and as a fairly simple concept: Could I maintain my identity as a photographer after the birth of my son? A year and a half into motherhood I discovered I had never been farther from my son than approximately 20 miles in any given direction. In fact, he and I spent nearly all of our time together. He would play or nap in the back of the car as I drove around to photograph, or he would be my companion as we investigated the world around us. The more time passed, exploring my own personal boundaries gave way to a larger theme: tradition.

Through the documentation of my surroundings, and my son’s childhood, I was able to unravel a personal examination of traditional roles and expectations, both as a mother and a photographer.

To view more of Casey’s work please visit her website.