Tag: consumerism

What We’ve Found – Mass Production

Hello everyone, happy end of March! Thank y’all for your wonderful submissions to this month’s mass production WWF. While the spirit of large-scale excess is captured in various different manifestations…

Tianran Qin

Born in Beijing, China in 1988, Tianran Qin started to learn photography during his undergrad study. After earned the bachelor’s degree of engineering in industrial design, Qin became a commercial…

Matt Williams

Matt Williams was born in Cleveland and grew up in the suburbs, Boston and Brussels, which were, at the same time, surprisingly similar and wildly different. This paradox and many…

Ashley Miller

Ashley Miller is a still life photographer whose ongoing project is shot in a studio, captured on film, and printed in a color darkroom. With her careful arrangements, Ashley’s images…

Tianran Qin

Tianran Qin is a photographer and visual artist from Beijing, China, living and working in Savannah, Georgia. Born in Beijing, China in 1988, Qin earned the bachelor’s degree of engineering…