Elias Carlson is a freelance graphic designer and self-taught photographer born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. He graduated from Seattle Pacific University in 2006 with a B.A. in Visual Communication. Close contact with the forests, mountains, and rivers of Washington state led to a passionate love affair with the outdoors that continues unabated. His photographic work attempts to explore the many facets of man’s relationship with nature, and of course, functions as an excuse to get outside as often as possible. Elias currently lives in Priest River, Idaho. His clients include KAVU, The Giving Keys, Filson, and Another Escape Magazine. Today we take a look at Elia’s series titled Buffalo Slaughter.
Buffalo Slaughter
“In December 2013 I had the opportunity to visit a small family-run buffalo farm on slaughtering day. The farm has been owned and operated by relatives of my wife for decades where they manage a small herd of buffalo both for sustenance and occasionally a small profit. Theirs is a lifestyle that stands in stark contrast to most of the modern American experience. As growing numbers are drawn to the economic opportunity of the cities, and big agriculture continues it’s dominance of the marketplace, small family-run farms like this have become increasingly scarce.
This project was driven by curiosity more than anything else. As someone who eats meat, it functioned as an opportunity to get up close and personal with the source of my food, something I felt was important to do for me personally. It was also a chance to involve myself directly in a way of life that is increasingly scarce. Aside from those two goals I went into this project without agenda or expectation other than to observe and record.”
To view more of Elias’s work, please visit his website.