Sophie Barbasch is a photographer based in New York City. She earned her MFA in photography from the Rhode Island School of Design and her BA in Art and Art History from Brown University. Selected residencies include the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts and the Blue Mountain Center. Selected publications and awards include The Atlantic Online, Conveyor Magazine, and Photo Boite’s 30 Under 30 Women Photographers. She has exhibited internationally. Today we share Sophie’s newest body of work titled Fault Line.

“Horizon” 2013

“Wes in the Car” 2014

“Tom’s Eye” 2013

“Junkyard” 2014
Fault Line
“Fault Line is a project I am doing in the small coastal town of Brooklin, Maine. The protagonist is my younger cousin Adam, who lives there. I also photograph my brother, father, and other cousins. I chose the title because a fault line alludes to where the earth splits in an earthquake (a metaphor for a divided family with a complicated history) and also alludes to fault, or blame (I wonder, how does a family support each other, even when things aren’t perfect?) My goal is to show the weight we all carry and how we are both connected and isolated from each other.”

“Nightfall” 2014

“Sun Spots” 2013

“Ghost Boats” 2014

“At the Wall” 2014

“Discipline” 2014

“Back Road” 2014

“Naomi and Adam” 2014

“Firewood” 2014

“Sundown” 2014

“Trip to Town” 2014

“Driveway” 2014
To view more of Sophie’s work please visit her website.