Kihae Kim

Kihae Kim was born in Seoul, Korea and had chances to spent time in India and Japan where he was exposed to diverse cultures. Kihae Kim was awarded a B.S. degree in Political Science from Korea University in Seoul, Korea and his interest in photography led him to enroll at the School of Visual Arts in NYC 2009. Currently he is a graduate candidate of 2016 in MFA/Experimental and documentary arts at Duke University. 26He is interested in direct and honest photographs and his photographic works depict the particular time and society where he belongs. Today we share his work, The Karen: A Forgotten People.

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The Karen: A Forgotten People

Since 1949, Burmese governments and military regimes have waged war against the Karen, an ethnic and religious minority in the region. This story of war, human rights abuses, and diaspora is still unfolding, with hundreds of thousands of Karen internally displaced and fleeing to other countries. I photographed two Karen refugee camps in Thailand and a group of Karen youth living with their families in Carrboro, North Carolina. These photographs are part of my larger documentary effort – in the face of other huge refugee crises around the world – to keep the Karen story in the public eye

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To view more of Kihae’s work, please visit his website.