James Marvin

James Marvin is a photographer born and raised in England. He recently received his BA in photography from Nottingham Trent University. James is currently working as an intern for our good friends at Fall Line Press. I had the opportunity to meet James at this year’s ACP Art Book Fair and have a chance to view his latest self published book. Today we share his series, Thirty-Seven and Three-Quarters.

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Thirty-Seven and Three-Quarters

The Isle of Man has become the capital of motorcycle road racing. For two weeks in summer, from the end of May to the first week in June, competitors, fans and their motorbikes make the pilgrimage to the island from all over the world. For the remaining fifty weeks of the year, the roads return to their daily public use. Thirty-Seven and Three-Quarters was made in between the 2015 and 2016 races.

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A rider’s success at the Tourist Trophy (TT) is dependent on a number of variables: speed, tires, bike, brake, surface, temperature, time of day, and state of mind. In comparison, a photographer will do a similar thing. If we substitute the camera for bike and film stock for tires, the process of taking many pictures or by looking at the same corner for hours becomes analogous to road racing. The intensive training that a TT rider must go through both physically and mentally can culminate on one corner and for both rider and photographer, it is over and taken in a fraction of a second.

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To view more of James’ work, visit his website.