Michael Zuhorski

Michael Zuhorski was born in 1992 in Detroit and is currently based in Marquette, Michigan. In 2015 he graduated from the College for Creative Studies with a BFA in photography. His work has been published internationally and exhibited widely in group shows; having recently had a solo show at Subjectively Objective in Rochester, Michigan. In January 2018 the Lake Superior Art Association Gallery in Marquette, Michigan, will host a solo exhibition of his recent work from around the Northern Great Lakes region. The ways in which his surroundings have affected his identity and conception of self are at the center his photographic practice.

Eyes Make the Horizon

In November 2015 Michael Zuhorski moved to the south shore of Lake Superior. He did this with the intention of creating a body of photographs as a response to his sustained presence in the Northern Great Lakes – a landscape with which he has a longstanding history and feels a deeply personal sense of place within. This work is the result.

The patterns that connect these photographs have formed through a dialogue with this landscape. The aim of this work is to continue this dialogue, and in doing so convey the qualities of an experience of place which are most difficult to verbalize.


To view more of Michael’s work please visit his website.