Johann Husser was born in Siberia, Russia in 1990, and moved to Germany in 1993. He is a Photography student at the Fachhochschule in Dortmund and studied Spatial Planning beforehand. The latter is evident in his photographic work and approach, focusing on the impact of the built surroundings and the impact of space. In regard to his migratory background his melancholic photographs question the concept of home and spatial and social belonging. He is a scholarship holder of the “Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes” and is shortlisted for Fotofilmic 2017. His work has been published by magazines like Der Greif.
Our Only True Life Is In The Future
“Our only true life is in the future” dictates O´Brien in 1984 by Orwell. Johann Hussers project attempts to create a hypothetical future vision, which is inspired by books such as “1984”, “Stalker”, “Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?”. Drawing material not only from his own photographic stock, but also from the archives of the NASA, the project questions scientific progress and transports the viewer into a dystopian place.
To view more of Johann’s work please visit his website.