Brian McSwain

Brian McSwain (New Orleans, 1984) currently resides and works in South Florida. His photographs have been featured in numerous online publications including The Oxford American, Flak Photo Digest, and The Heavy Collective. Brian holds a BA in Broadcast Journalism from Belhaven University and a MS in Counseling Psychology from Palm Beach Atlantic University. Brian’s work is primarily concerned with the world as it presents itself, all its inexplicable wonders. Memory and reconciliation rest behind his photographs. He finds the therapeutic value of making photographs is without parallel.

The Florida Heartland

An ongoing project with the earliest photographs dating from Winter 2014, the work is made in a six county region in South Central Florida referred to as the Florida heartland. The aim of the work is not solely to document time and place, but to offer a personal testimony of grace that has been experienced between Florida’s coasts. While in the land I’m often reminded of the Robert Adams quote: “The job of the photographer, in my view, is not to catalogue indisputable fact but to try to be coherent about intuition and hope.”

To view more of Brian’s work please visit his website.