Kevin Casey

Kevin Casey is an artist/photographer/filmmaker who works under his own name and his freelance company Lens Based Media. He is a qualified school teacher and host regular workshops for individuals and community groups. He had his first book ‘Closing Time’ – The lost pubs of Liverpool published in 2010 (bluecoat press). As well as freelance photography he was also a gallery supervisor at FACT (Foundation Art and creative Technology). He has worked in this position from 2007-2013 until redundancy. Whilst in need of an income he took a job as a security guard/ night watchman at an Ex Glass Factory HQ called Pilkingtons. During the past 9 months he has been documenting his work place and fellow workers which is now the main focus of his latest documentary.

Shouldn’t Throw Stones (The view of a night watchman)

I am currently photographing a documentary of the employees, remains and archives of the former Pilkington’s Glass HQ in St Helens, Merseyside. Currently named as Alexandra business park the site is now used in part as rental office space to local charities and SME’s. The site is 32 acres and includes several inter connecting buildings. At night time during my patrols it is a quiet concrete maze of grey buildings and car parks designed around a lake and vast green spaces. In it’s heyday the site would have witnessed over 25,000 employees working or passing through it. The location now has little activity and has many relics and mementos left over from the Japanese Glass company that purchased the site for a brief period of time.

To view more of Kevin’s work please visit his website.