Amber Law (b. 1989) is an artist based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She received an MFA in 2016 from East Tennessee State University and has recently taught as an adjunct professor at Southeastern Louisiana University and Baton Rouge Community College. Her childhood and rooted southern upbringing have influenced her work—which questions the dynamics of relationships, family, and home. In the past year, Amber’s work has shown both nationally and internationally, including two solo exhibitions in Nizheny Tagil, Russia and group exhibitions in spaces such as the MANIFEST Gallery in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Out of the Ruins
A family photo album is perceived to be an intimate keepsake for a home. “Out of the Ruins” portrays the blemished recollection of my grandparent’s early life and the lost years of work my grandmother gave to document every major event and organize the images into countless books. My grandparents awoke to floodwaters invading their home during the major flood of Baton Rouge in 2016. Due to this disaster, found family photographs currently serve as polluted memories but is also transformed into pure poetry. What was ruined in the murky waters now reflects rebirth and beauty that often arises when much is lost. The ideas of home, loss, and beauty within tragedy permeate through this body of work.
To view more of Amber’s work please visit her website.