Victoria Hogan

Victoria Hogan obtained her M.F.A. from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2011 as a Southern transplant. Having spent 26 years of her life in the Southern states, this move was quite a large jump for her. Desert living and the landscapes near the city were completely new territory for Hogan as she began to unpack her surroundings.

Her work is not media specific, but as of recently, photography has been her strongest voice. While taking an accidental 10 year hiatus from art-making to pursue a small business, Hogan found herself subconsciously taking photographs that were unrelated to her profession. Las Vegas has become her home, place of residence, and is the headquarters for her traveling elopement business, Flora Pop. In hindsight, obtaining an M.F.A. really gave her the tools to think outside the norms of business and create a niche that has allowed her to flourish in other aspects of her life. Time is the most important thing you can have and she believes her business has allowed her art to flourish.

Vegas Yards

“Vegas Yards” is an on-going series of lawns in and around the downtown Las Vegas area. A side of Las Vegas that is rarely shown, as it is most famous for the Strip and neon lights. Being a resident in Las Vegas is much different than most expect and, contrary to popular belief, we don’t all live on the famous passageway that is flanked with casino after casino. There is residential life here that has character and is oftentimes, unexplainable.

To view more of Victoria Hogan’s work please visit her website.