Raegan Bird / @raegan_bird

Gregory Gentert / @gregorygentert

Gregory Gentert / @gregorygentert

Dan Rubenbauer / @spaniel_groobs

Joey Solomon / @joey.solomon

Molly Peters / @hazardpeters

Alfonso Arroyo / @poncho_arroyo

Lisa Eri / @_lisaeri

Lisa Eri / @_lisaeri

Meghan Marin / @meghanmarin

Meghan Marin / @meghanmarin

Morgan Davis Foehl / @morgandavisfoehl

Morgan Davis Foehl / @morgandavisfoehl

Nate Larson / @natelarsonphoto

Nate Larson / @natelarsonphoto

Sam Schmieg / @samschmieg
Be on the lookout for next month’s What We’ve Found theme and be ready to submit! We love to see your work, and as always, What We’ve Found is free to enter!