For almost 10 years now Robert Pinchin has been developing his work taking photos in the industrial Canadian port city of Hamilton, Ontario. This city and the rest of the economically vibrant region of Southern Ontario have largely informed his subject matter and pushed him to further explore themes of urban settlement, income inequality, and the built vs. natural environment in his photography. A recent history graduate with a passion for the conservation of the built environment, Robert is pursuing a career in cultural heritage preservation. The subject of his photographic work has evolved alongside his interest in history. Robert first became interested in photography through casually capturing abandoned farm buildings on the outskirts of the Greater Toronto Area. As he became more interested in the social and economic forces that have shaped the development of Ontario, Robert has refocused his attention on industrial environments, infrastructure, and human settlement.
Beach Road
This particular collection of my photographs attempts to appeal to two separate senses. For the majority of viewers I hope they find pleasant and visually intriguing photographs that impart an understanding of the urban landscape of Hamilton, Ontario in particular and post industrial north american cities in general. While the majority of the photographs document Hamilton, the difficult intersection of economic industry, physical geography, and human activity is a theme that can be understood across the world. Furthermore these photographs inspire strong emotions within me as they are a concrete record of my experiences in Hamilton – a 10 year journey that has seen much personal growth and emotional struggles. There is no city that I would have rather spent my formative years in. My experiences in Hamilton’s urban landscape have decisively shaped the person I am and the goals I want to achieve in life.
To view more of Robert’s work please visit his website.