What We’ve Found:
Your Pretty Face!

David Molle

Hey, We’re excited to introduce the next theme for our monthly curated web post on Aint-Bad – What We’ve Found. We’re expanding the potential to have your work recognized and admired – we’re thrilled.

So, what’s the next theme? Self Portraiture and/or Selfies! 

In honor of our past issue Self-ie, we want to see more of your pretty faces. We want to see how you present yourself in front of the camera. You can submit any form of self-portraiture (yes, that includes images made with selfie sticks, Cindy Sherman knock-offs, whatever.) We know it’s a really broad theme, and we kinda like that. Plus, we KNOW you’ve got at least sixteen selfies from last weekend at your favorite bar…you know, when you looked really good.

Dig through your hard drives, archives, whatever, and submit work that you feel fits within the given theme / concept. That’s all you need to do! No artist statements, no social security numbers, tax records, etc. All we want is a nice, relevant photograph or two. Oh, and your name and website. It’s that simple!

In one month, the submissions will be curated into a post with a statement and exploration of the work through the themes. Its like a little online gallery (without the wine).

We’ll let you know if you’ve made it into What We’ve Found by November 25th!
