Fabiola Menchelli is a visual artist from México City based in Boston. She is currently a 2013 MFA candidate in Photography at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. She has had the honor of receiving the Fulbright – Garcia Robles Fellowship, the FONCA-CONACYT scholarship and the Mass Art Dean’s Award for Fulbright Scholars. She has participated in national and international art exhibitions and juried shows including México, Australia, Sweden and US.
My work inhabits a space between photography, sculpture, architecture, installation and new media.
I construct installations with simple materials in the studio and project computer-generated shapes on to them, transforming the construction with light and shadows. In this way, I attempt to reconstruct mental spaces from my imagination, combining the contained physical world and the expansive possibilities of the virtual world to construct images.
Ideas of drawing and construction permeate through my work as I question notions of reality and perception. I am interested in the idea of the virtual becoming part of the real through the process of photographing digital projections and printing light. The final aesthetic result is a complex visual space that evokes a world that is both virtual and real.
View more of her work on her website.