Daniel Tedeschi recieved his BFA in photography from the Art Institute of Boston in February 2012. In addition to studying photography at AIB, he also studied italian language and culture at Lorenzo de’ Medici Roma in 2010. He currently lives in the greater Boston area, where he continues to make photographs about his heritage, family, and culture. Today we share his series Ritornare.

Sant’Antonio. Guardia Lombardi, Italy. 2011. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”
ritor’nare: to return; (andare/venire indietro) to go/come back; (ricorrere) to recur; (ridiventare) to become again.
I grew up with my grandparents who are immigrants from southern Italy. My brothers and I were raised with their traditions, having big family dinners with homemade pasta, making wine in the cellar, playing card games outside on the patio and bocce by the garden. Growing up my grandfather would say to us that we were Italian, but I often wondered what that meant. I had never been to Italy and knew only some words and phrases of Italian, most of which were in their local dialect. I had always longed to go to Italy and visit their town and meet the many relatives that I heard so many stories about. In 2008 I decided it was time to make that journey back and ended up staying for three months, a trip that forever changed my life.
Since then I have returned two other times, spending a total of over ten months living with my family in the countryside of Campania. These photographs are a visual display of my experiences there. They show people that I have grown to love, and a place that is full of culture. This place that was once only known to me through stories, has now become part of what I call home.

At Maria’s House. Guardia Lombardi, Italy. 2011. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”

Antonietta. Guardia Lombardi, Italy. 2011. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”

Borsalino. Guardia Lombardi, Italy. 2011. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”

Festa dei Santi. Guardia Lombardi, Italy. 2011. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”

Raffaele. Frigento, Italy. 2011. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”

A Game of Tresette. Frigento, Italy. 2011. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”

Saverio. Guardia Lombardi, Italy. 2011. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”

Wintertime in Guardia. Guardia Lombardi, Italy. 2009. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”

Hunted Bird. Guardia Lombardi, Italy. 2009. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”

Piazza Vittoria Christmas Eve Day. Guardia Lombardi, Italy. 2008. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”

Shaving the Pig. Guardia Lombardi, Italy. 2008. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”

Angela Making Cheese. Guardia Lombardi, Italy. 2008. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”

Bicycle Ride. Guardia Lombardi, Italy. 2010. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”

Dinner at Carmasciano. Guardia Lombardi, Italy. 2011. Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”
For more photographs and information, visit his website.