Hana Knizova

Hana Knizova is a London based, Czech photographer. She received a BA MKPR at Charles University, Prague, CZ and a MA in Photography at London College of Communication, UK in 2010. She has exhibited work at the M Shed, Bristol UK, The National Portrait Gallery, London, Red Gallery, London, The Well Gallery, London and 66 Galley Prague, CZ. She participated in the Mooride Art Festival, 2010, Tabacka, Kosice, SK and has released two books, most recently Half Places in 2010. Today we share her series Young Hollywood .

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Mo 2012

Young Hollywood

Young Hollywood explores the themes of youth, ambition and self-image. This series portrays young people in Los Angeles, pursuing their dreams. The opportunity ‘to make it’ is there for everyone..but only some will succeed. Hana started working on Young Hollywood last year and it is an ongoing project.

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Larry 2012

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Nikki 2012

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Stephano 2012

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Tiernan 2012

Barnett II 2012

Jesika 2013

Lucia II 2013

Marketa II 2013

Ohre 2013

Marketa 2013

Mo II 2012

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Alex & Graham 2013

For more work and images from this series visit her website.