Luca Tombolini was born 1979 in Milan. He completed his classical studies and then went on to receive his degree in Sciences of Communication, with a major on visual rhetoric in Cinema. While studying Luca discovered Photography and started experimenting with a large format camera. Since 2011 Luca has been drum scanning and printing large scale prints; landscapes and real life scenes. Today we share some work from Luca’s landscape portfolio.
LS VI: The Womb
“Landscapes as a mirror of the unconscious. To travel into, live and contemplate these remote places denies the self’s superstructure and present the viewer to the edge of the meaning of his own exhistence. Photographing is choosing what appeals to one’s self.My work stems from a pre-photographic fascination with deserts, while taking pictures became a self-analysis of that early feeling. Notwithstanding our limited perceptional possibilities, these pictures are the mirror of this personal process of contemplation/suspension over Time, Space, Existent.”
To view more of Luca’s work please visit his website.