
NASTYNASTY (are Emiliano Biondelli & Valentina Venturi) started a research on power of photography 6 years ago, embarking projects on what photography (and mainstream media) decides what is nice to see during a journey, what is a catastrophe and what it is not, what is beautiful and what is awful, leading and regulating our desires, ambitions and sensations.They exibhited in New York, Miami, Cleveland, St. Petersburg, Taipei, London, Preston, Berwick, Venezia and Milano, working with cinegraphies, video, digital & analogical photography, found footage, photographic archives and books.

Emiliano Biondelli: Ravenna 1976. Graduated in History of Contemporary Art. He’s a photographer and his research is about the realtionship between people and “non-lieux”.

Valentina Venturi: Ravenna 1972. Graduated in D.A.M.S, final essay on: miniatures in XV and XVI century liturgical manuscripts. She is interested in photography, video and light installation, but also theatre and she collaborates as a light designer with major European opera houses.






Since the advent of digital photography, the way we use photographs has changed radically, moving from print in order to use the screen, often only the one in the back of the digital camera itself.
So we photograph everything, in order to “see” better our own experien- ces, because the most important thing is to share these photographs on social networks, and the event is no longer important; the experience itself is the ritual recording on integrated digital sensor.

Images, not only photographs, but also those in movement from television, movies and 3D graphic, increase the desire to enjoy more images never arriving at a saturation point, they become an incalculable number, able to influence and change the reality itself and the way we communicate.

Therefore our aim is trying to face this large amount of pictures surrounding us, in the attempt to understand better how and when images and photograpies manipulate us, studying their own grammar and their genesis. We are interested in all the dynamics that pictures can generate and the effect that the photographic image has on our culture and the power of photography to condition our desires, our perception of the world and the criteria of authenticity.

This research leads us among sequences of pictures that we decide to edit in selfpublished books or cinegraphies, video, found-footage books, wall papers, magazines.










To view more of their work please visit this website.