Eric Moran

Eric Moran is a photographer from Northeastern Connecticut, who currently lives in Brooklyn. He attended the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University, where he graduated in 2012 with a BFA in Photography and minor in Psychology. Much of his work employs the Northeastern landscape as a backdrop to explore psychological phenomena, perception, and the individual. Today we share with you his series Shul.

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“Emptiness can be compared to the impression of something that used to be there…formed by the indentations, hollows, marks, and scars left by the turbulence of selfish craving.”

– Rebecca Solnit, A Field Guide to Getting Lost.

Shul explores spaces altered by a history of presence and withdrawal; human intervention evidenced in the landscape. Markings remain as impressions of longing, after the individual has gone. In the photographs, this absence is a presence described and informed by the impermanence of light, and markings within a domestic space.

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To view more of Eric’s work, please visit his website.