We are back with another FREE call for entry! This Month’s What We’ve Found might just be for you!

Image by Yo Vo
This month’s theme is about pushing the relationship with nature and landscape photography beyond what it quite often settles into. In addition to celebrating what exists directly in front of us, how can we communicate through it? How can we use the images we make of this earth to tell a story about a place, visualize how we respond to it, or articulate how we feel? Documentary, narrative-driven, or emotionally-loaded landscapes… we want it. This month’s What We’ve Found will be an eclectic group of images fueled by thought, purpose, and risk. Feel free to interpret that as you may, and let it rip.
Send a series standout (or three) and your name/website. Please follow the submission guidelines CLOSELY. If we don’t receive the correct formatting/information, we have to count you out. And you didn’t borrow your mom’s car to explore the woods all night with a third-party Speedlite for nothin’, so help us count you in! If you have even the tiniest bit of a question, please feel free to email us any time. In about one month we will deliver a post with the selected works and a statement regarding said selected works. Thank you and have fun with it! ~~