Tyler McDuffy, known as Tyles Joseph, is a twenty-two-year-old artist and photographer from Indianapolis, Indiana. He is a senior at the notable historical black college, Texas Southern University in Houston, Texas.
His art mainly focuses on the complexity and transformative waves of black culture. His art is a reflection of his life, environment, and cultural upbringing. Tyler began to seek an interest in photography at the age of thirteen when his grandfather gave him his first film camera. His inspiration comes from other black artists such as Gordon Parks, Carrie Mae Weems, Deun Ivory, Micaiah Carter, Adrienne Raquel and so many more.
Tyler has been showcased in local art shows in Indianapolis and Houston, has photographed and social media marketed with small businesses in Charlotte and Houston, and has won awards from Scholastic Art in photography and writing.
His main objective in life is to work with major and small clothing and beauty brands to promote diversity and culture. Ultimately, his end goal is to have his own photography studio to teach the youth in his community about art, culture, and style.
a love letter to ebony.
These images are a collection of past works that demonstrate the love and support of black and pop culture.
To view more of Tyler McDuffy’s work please visit his website.