Filip Bojović is a Yugoslav born graphic designer from Novi Sad, Vojvodina and graduate from New Visual Media Studies from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. Filip is an avid analog photographer and the initiator and founder of A3.Format, a Serbian based self-publishing collective.
Food Outtakes
When I was a kid, I only wanted to eat one special Yugoslav brand of Zimska salami. My mother used to beg me to try anything else but in the end I was relentless and she let me have my way. I still have resonating issues with food because there is something about the textures in my mouth, I can’t eat fruits, anything related to vinegar and can only palate some boiled vegetables.
Food outtakes is a series of images inspired by my strange aversion. Food is such an important part of our lives and communicates a sense of time and how we move through moments by consuming them.
This series has developed from outtakes of old unfinished rolls of film. They are staged but in a lo-fi kind of stock photography. A punk stock! Most of them are photographed in my living room or at the dining table.
To view more of Filip Bojovic’s work please visit his website.