Hui Choi predominantly uses large format camera 8×10 film, he attempts to offer a calm and rational attitude in his work, he views the camera as a “clumsy” machine. The choice and decision should be made by the photographer himself. Hui tries to use photography to eloquently describe his emotions and illustrate his understanding of his surroundings. Through exploring the visual problems of contemporary photography, Hui encounters the relationship between subjective and objective phenomena, in order to reveal the increasing uniqueness and diversity of contemporary society.
Under Cloud(ongoing)
An activity that appears to have no meaning
but the central theme or motif,
a thread running through.
There is no story here
but we have generated
an atmosphere of our mood,
which can be characterized as awareness,
the strange that something’s wrong,
something is not quite right.
To view more of Hui Choi’s work please visit his website.